8) I found this article on the PBS news website looking at the helpfulness of de-stressing teachers. The research is based in the US but stress in the teaching profession is universal. I liked it as it confirmed what I was thinking and it was nice to see that I am not alone. The article asks whether de-stressing teachers is like putting a plaster on a larger wound and we should be address the wound underneath but it also acknowledges the stress put on teachers and the affect that this has in the classroom. Click here to read the whole article.
7) A brilliant article looking at what is meditation. The article does not suggest that everything can be solved through meditation but that it can be useful if you need to try it. It outlines the main meditation styles but also suggests 3 everyday meditations you could have a go at - shower meditation, walking meditation and the count to 10 meditation. All very useful. A really great article, short but I will definitely use the everyday suggestions. I think I'm already doing the shower and walking ones without knowing it! Click here to go to the article.
6) Psychology Today gives us a list of 9 ways to calm an anxious mind:
- Attempt cognitive distancing
- Try cognitive de-fusion
- Practice mindfulness
- Focus on direct experience
- Label things
- Stay in the present
- Broaden your view
- Get up and Get going
- Decide whether a view is helpful
5) Top 4 relaxing apps for your phone or tablet. Why not try a meditation cushion as well, I found this one on ETSY. Pricey but beautiful. There were some plain ones for £19 if you prefer.
4) I knew about the Calm app that you can download on your phone but they also have a YouTube channel and this is one of their daily relaxation videos. It is really professional and a great way to relax. I was extremely impressed and will use these videos again. Click here to go to the video.
3) There is a great video from an NHS doctor about stopping unhelpful thinking on this page. You may have to scroll down the page to find the video. It is on the top 10 of helping to stop stress in your life. Click here to go to the page.
2) This is an amazing little 5 minute meditation from Goodful. The Goodful crew talk you through a meditation that can be carried out at any time of day where you spend a few minutes thinking about yourself and relaxing. Click here to hear the meditation.
The main site have many more useful meditations, just take a look...
1) A lovely collection of ways to 'ground' yourself if your mind is racing and needs calming down. 'Grounding' is a way of bringing yourself back to the here and now and calming your over-active brain. It comes from Dr Sarah Allen and Associated Counseling. Click here to go to the site and read all 7 techniques.
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